Building Government Center South Tangerang

Building Government Center South Tangerang
Most of the residents who live in District Ciputat, Pamulang, Serpong, Cisauk, and Pondok Aren Tangerang District wants out of. To realize this desire, on November 19, 2000, established the Regional Preparatory Committee of Autonomous Formation (KPPDO) Cipasera City. KPPDO activists, in 2002, also conducted a study to assess the feasibility of early Cipasera region into a city-level autonomous municipalities. Cipasera region which has an area of ​​239,850 square km, has now become a bustling urban area. In 2000, the number of people living in five districts had almost reached 942 194 (Pagedangan included), equivalent to 34.5 percent population Tangerang regency. Unfortunately, the area has developed into the city was not accompanied with a good arrangement of the city.

Another consideration is the aspect of community service. Today, with the location of the central government in Tangerang Regency Tigaraksa - about 50 km from the South FC - very ineffective. With a vast area and population are high, South Tangerang management requires a higher concentration than the Tangerang district outside the South. And Revenue (PAD) six districts were very large, ie 309 billion annually or 60% of all PAD Tangerang regency. Various earlier studies on improving the status of territory of South Tangerang become autonomous region has been conducted. KPPDO Cipasera Town (South Tangerang) have been studying the legal aspects, socio-economic, socio-cultural, socio-political and defense-security aspects. Potential revenue, economy, natural resources, employment, court business, education and technology centers have also been studied.

However, the formation of South Tangerang city, apparently still long to get to the final. This is because the Government of Tangerang District stated that the city will only be made up of seven districts. Though Tangerang Council has agreed and approved the autonomous city consisted of eight sub-districts. Tangerang Regent Ismet Iskandar Cisauk not include in the draft South Tangerang region. Whereas the establishment of eight district that consists of Setu Ciputat, Cisauk, East Ciputat, Serpong, North Serpong, Pondok Aren and Pamulang, has no basis of scientific studies.

Finally on 29 Septemper 2008 out of Act No. 51 of 2008 on the Establishment of South Tangerang city through the House of Representatives plenary session, with a coverage area of ​​district. Setu, Serpong, North Serpong, Pondok Aren, Pamulang, Ciputat, and East Ciputat join in a city called City autonomous South Tangerang. Minister Mardiyanto finally inaugurated the South Tangerang City Acting Mayor while inaugurating Tangsel Ir.HM Salih, MT as the Mayor of South Tangerang.

Built on a land area of ​​49 hectares with an area of ​​6612.24 m2 pages consist of five floors and cost of Rp. 60 Billion in 3-year budget, the building was designed by Ir. Slamet Wirasonjaya. The purpose built this building is used for the legislative and executive branches, so that the implementation of these activities will be concentrated in one area.

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